Pedidos y pagos
Completed Orders
Completed OrdersWhy has my order/item(s) been cancelled?
Sorry your order or item(s) have been cancelled.
If the item(s) you've ordered are out of stock at the time of packing your order, we need to cancel it.
An order will also be cancelled if the billing address details don't match the details your bank has on record.
We send an email out to confirm the cancellation and you have not been charged.
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Placing Orders
Placing OrdersWhat is payment authentication?
Payment authentication or 3D secure are fraud prevention initiatives launched by card issuers.
Verified by VISA (VbV) and MasterCard Secure Code (MSC) work in the same way, using passwords that you set up with the card provider to protect you when you shop online. You will then be required to enter your password during the payment process when you shop with us.
How do I activate my card?
You register your card on your card provider's site by selecting the option to set up payment authentication. You will be prompted to enter your card details and set a password. Once you have registered your card, when you shop online in the future you will only have to enter your password.
Who do I contact for further information?
If you require more information around the payment authentication process, please contact your card issuer directly.
If your card is rejected by our online payment processing system, please double check that all of the details entered are matching your billing information.
If you are sure you are using a valid card, please try again with the same credit or debit card or place the order again using a different card. If the problem persists, please contact your card provider.
We have no control over the payment authentication process so we will be unable to assist with any authentication inquiries.
Please note your order will only be processed once we have received authorisation from your payment card issuer to process the payment.
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Nota: Este comentario NO le conecta con el equipo de Atención al Cliente. Si necesitas ponerte en contacto, pulsa Cancelar a continuación y luego pulsa Contactar y sigue los pasos.
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Completed Orders